EL Civics 1.7 Banking

Identify, evaluate, and compare financial service options in the community such as banks, credit unions, check-cashing services, and credit cards.

Civic Objective: Identify, evaluate, and compare financial service options in the community such as banks, credit unions, check-cashing services, and credit cards.

Read below to review the official CASAS details for this objective.

Sept/Oct 2017

Timeline: September 11 - October 5

The Banking module starts on September 11th and all student tasks need to be completed by October 5th. All teachers need to turn in their sample scoring sheets and TOPS forms for the three tasks by Friday October 13th .

Beginning Low/High students complete Task 1, 2 and 3.

Intermediate - Advanced students complete Task 1 and 4 only.

For this module, depending on their levels, students will:

BL-A: Read and discuss credit card and bank statements. (simplified for beginning levels)

BL-A: Fill out a basic application for a bank account; identify requirements for opening an account.

BL - A: Read and fill out a personal check, a check register and/or deposit and withdrawal slips.

IL-A: Read and reconcile financial statements.

IL-A: Compare advantages and disadvantages of using cash, credit, checks, debit cards, and online services to make purchases and pay expenses.

IL - A: Fill out bank applications such as for a loan or a checking or savings account.

IL - A: Contact a financial institution orally or in writing to dispute a service charge or complain about bank services

CASAS ELC AAP - AAP Detail.pdf

Teaching Resources for El Civics 1.7

Practice_EL Civics 1.7 - In Service 2016 Final.pdf

Task: 1 - Beginning Low to Advanced

Description: Complete a Bank Application

Students will be given a mock bank application with mock application information (not their own information) such as for a loan or checking account. Beginning students will have a reduced amount of sections to complete versus the Intermediate to Advanced students. Click below to see the mock information the student will be given (this is test material! Do not share this exact information, use the practice information page above)

Points possible: 20

Click here for Task 1 for beginning students: https://goo.gl/forms/w9zvZg8TJ1vZ0AkJ3

Click here for Task 1 for intermediate to advanced: https://goo.gl/forms/gLMsVzxSUsOF1MpV2


Task: 2 - Beginning Low and Beginning High ONLY

Description: Complete a Personal Check and the Check Register. Students will complete this by hand and needs to be hand graded. There is very good practice information for the parts of a check in the NOCCD resource above.

Content A: (5 points possible)

Given a bill and a check, student will write a check to pay the bill.

Content A will be copied and placed in your boxes for the students to complete by hand in class during the assessment. To view content A click on the first file on the right hand side.

Content B: (5 points possible)

Content B will be printed on the backside of the content A handout. To view content B click on the second file on the right hand side.

Given a check register with several entries, and which contains 6 columns, student will fill out the register with five pieces of information from the check student has written in Content A such as: check number, date, payee, amount, and balance. Student will be expected to leave the deposit column blank.

Beginning_Task2_The Bill_Handout.pdf

Task 3 - Beginning Low and Beginning High ONLY

Description: Complete Deposit and Withdrawal Slips. Students will complete this by hand and needs to be hand graded.

Given a prompt such as a check and a reason and amount for withdrawal, student will complete a bank deposit slip for the check and a withdrawal slip for the amount specified.

Points Possible: 5

Task 3 will be printed and placed in your boxes for the students to complete by hand during the assessment. To view Task 3 click on the file on the right hand side.


Task: 4 - Intermediate - Advanced ONLY

Description: Write a Banking Services Letter

Student will write a letter to the bank to dispute charges or complain about bank services. In the email, student will state the problem and describe how it can be remedied to student's satisfaction.

Points Possible: 20

Students will write the letter using a google form and the contents will be sent to you for grading. To access Task 4 please click here: https://goo.gl/forms/D7yoXt0BBDXNsXO53

Score sheets/Tops forms: pre filled score sheets/tops will be provided to you prior to the end of the module. Teachers need to score the student on the score sheet and retain the score sheets. Teachers then need to mark pass or fail on the Tops form and submit to Carmen by October 13th.

Here is a blank score sheet for your reference:

EL Civics Score Sheet for Objective 1.7_blank.pdf