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Program Expectations, Registration, and Required Testing

Registration at Riverside Adult School is held once every 4-6 weeks for Citizenship, ESL, Job Skills, GED Preparation, and High School Diploma classes. Registration for Career Education classes is held twice per year. Students are placed in classes based on assessment data obtained at registration, and state, federal and district criteria.

Riverside Adult School is able to offer free education to our students due to several state and federal funding sources. As a requirement of this continued funding students are required to show progress in their assigned class. This progress is determined through a pre and post testing process. In person pre testing is a requirement at registration. Ongoing in person post testing is required to document student progress. By registering at Riverside Adult School a student agrees to participate in the in person pre and post testing process and understands that failure to participate in the testing process will result in dismissal from the program. This requirement pertains to both in person classes and online classes.


Career & Technical Education Program

Students accepted into our CTE programs should understand that it is the expectation of Riverside Adult School that every student participates in the articulated college credit portion of the class, if applicable. Articulation is the process whereby an adult school student earns college credit for taking the adult school course. This is embedded into the program and the Teacher assists students with the process. Opting out of receiving articulated credit affects Riverside Adult School’s outcomes and state reporting. A student’s lack of social security number is not an issue. Students with concerns about this should speak to the Director prior to enrollment.


ESL/English as a Second Language Program

Riverside Adult School accepts and places students into the English as a Second Language program based on their CASAS pre test scores. We offer classes from the low beginning level to advanced level. Students who are committed to learning or improving their English skills and progressing through the levels of ESL are the type of students that this program is intended for. Students whose post tests repeatedly show no growth or progress may be dismissed from the program. Potential students whose pretest indicates a level higher than our advanced level are not able to enroll and will be referred to the community college for class placement.


GED Preparation Program

Riverside Adult School offers preparation courses to assist students in passing the GED exam. Each teacher focuses on one or two of the GED exam subjects each session. Once a student has passed a section they will be moved to the teacher who teaches the next subject/exam that they need. If a student does not appear to be making progress in a subject after subsequent sessions the student may be moved to another teacher/subject where they may be more successful if space is available. During the course of the preparation classes the Teacher will offer students the opportunity to take practice GED exams. The practice exams are good indicators of student success on the official exam. If a student’s practice exam indicates that the student is likely to pass that section of the GED exam it is expected that the student will take the official GED exam the next time it is offered. Students are not permitted to continue GED preparation courses if they refuse to attempt the GED exam when their practice exam indicates they will be successful. The GED exam is $41 per section, and assistance may be available for students who cannot afford the exam. Riverside Adult School is a certified GED testing center and as a convenience, our students can take their official GED exams on campus.

High School Diploma Program

Riverside Adult School offers students the opportunity to complete their high school diploma in an independent study format. Student's records are evaluated to determine which classes are needed in order to graduate. The teacher assigns students a class one at a time in an online system called Connexus. The student must progress weekly in their assigned Connexus class. It is the student's responsibility to communicate with the teacher about issues that are preventing them from progressing in their coursework. Although the work is completed in an online system, the Teacher is available by appointment during the day and evening on campus/in person to assist students with areas of their coursework that they need help with. The Teacher's classroom is also available by appointment to utilize the computers to complete coursework in Connexus. Students who do not show progress in their assigned Connexus class may be dropped from the program and re enrollment and testing would be required.



Attending school is a commitment and a privilege. It is expected that all students will put forth the time and effort to attend class on a regular and timely basis. If a student is not able to commit to the class meeting schedule the student should not enroll at Riverside Adult School or should delay enrollment until such time that their schedule permits consistent attendance. Students who miss class two weeks in a row will be dropped. Career Education classes may have higher attendance requirements. There are no “excused” absences in Adult School, nor is there makeup work offered for students who miss class. In order to be successful, you must be present. Re-enrollment may be limited or denied for those students who are dropped for lack of attendance.

Arriving late/Leaving early: Before registering at Riverside Adult School students should examine the school schedule and ensure that the time frames of the classes meet their needs. It is not acceptable to arrive late to class or leave class early. Riverside Adult School has structured our class schedule to meet the needs of adults with busy schedules, but as previously explained above, in order to be successful, you must be present. This includes being present for the entire duration of class. Repeated instances of arriving late or leaving early may result in dismissal from the program.



Attendance Verifications

If you require proof of enrollment you may use the class schedule printed for you at registration or emailed to you prior to your online class. If you need a copy of your attendance hours you will need to complete a request form in the student office or send an email with your name/date of birth to [email protected] We do not provide attendance verifications until the student has earned 10 or more attendance hours.



Riverside Adult School students must refrain from any type of behavior that disrupts the learning environment or school activities, which includes but is not limited to any behavior which contributes to the obstruction or disruption of teaching, events, meetings, testing, or other school activities on or at any school property or facility, including but not limited to, classrooms, buildings, office, or parking lot. Examples of disruptive behavior include but are not limited to: participating in/inciting a fight, possessing/using/selling/under the influence of any drug or alcohol, defacing/damaging school property, using vulgar or obscene language, or misuse of Riverside Adult School’s computers/internet.

Examples of items that are not permitted on the Riverside Adult School campus:

  • Guns, knives, explosives, or any other dangerous or illegal objects/substances.
  • Replicas (look-alike) of weapons.
  • Laser pointers.
  • Items containing mercury.
  • Any item that disrupts the educational process, including personal electronic items.
  • Electronic device use, such as cell phones, is limited to outside of the main buildings, and must remain on “vibrate” mode when inside classrooms.


Riverside Adult School students are expected to avoid any type of dishonesty, including but not limited to: cheating, plagiarism, forgery, fabrication or counterfeiting documents, furnishing false information to school staff, alteration or misuse of school documents or records, duplication of assignments, or aiding another in an act of dishonesty. Students will be dismissed from the program if it is determined that they are a disruption to the learning environment or participated in any of the prohibited behaviors above.


Dress Code

Students are expected to dress in appropriate attire that is conducive to the instructional process and workforce preparation. Articles of clothing designating gang membership, garments identified as gang attire and clothing advertising/promoting controlled substances, or displaying sexually explicit language, profanity are not permitted at school or school-related functions. RAS Administration reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of a student’s attire.



Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters

Bicycles, skateboards and scooters are not to be ridden on campus at any time. A bike rack is available on campus. Students assume full responsibility for their property while on campus and Riverside Adult School is not responsible for any loss, theft or damage that occurs while personal property is on campus. Bikes left in the bike rack should be locked and secured properly.


Emergency/Evacuation Procedures

In the event of an emergency situation on or near campus that creates a threat to safety, students should exit campus, when safe to do so, as directed by school personnel or when an immediate safety concern exists. Students should exit campus in a safe and calm manner, in the most direct route to a safe area. Campus Evacuation Maps are located in each room/building on campus, near the exit door, which designate the safest and most direct evacuation route. The school will periodically conduct safety drills to prepare students and staff for emergency situations.


Guests and children on campus

We do not allow guests/visitors or other non-registered individuals in classrooms. Children are not allowed to attend classes with parents and should not be present on the Adult School campus for any reason.



Parking Lot

Students may park in all parking lots, no permit is required. Spaces designated for Project Team or Testing Center are not for student use. Only students with a valid, current disabled parking placard may park in designated disabled parking stalls. Students assume full responsibility for their vehicle and belongings when parking on campus. Riverside Adult School/RUSD is not responsible for any loss, theft or damage that occurs while a vehicle is parked in a school parking lot. Students are advised to secure their vehicle and take valuables with them or keep them out of site. The speed limit in the parking lot is 5 miles per hour. All stop signs and painted directional arrows should be obeyed for everyone’s safety.


Personal Property

Neither Riverside Adult School nor RUSD will be held responsible for the loss, theft or damage of personal property. Students should not leave personal items unattended at any time.


Pets on Campus

All pets are prohibited on campus at all times, including indoors, outdoors and parking areas. Designated services animals are permitted. If you require the use of a service animal please discuss this with Administration at enrollment.


Use of surveillance/video cameras

In order to maximize the safety of students, staff, and school property, surveillance/video cameras are used in a variety of areas on the Riverside Adult School campus. Evidence of vandalism, graffiti, or criminal activity will be forwarded to law enforcement for arrests and prosecution. Recorded events from the surveillance/video camera systems will be used as evidence in student discipline matters.


General Policies

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Riverside Adult School is committed to all provisions of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Students with verified disabilities who may require academic adjustments or auxiliary aids are strongly recommended to inform the Student Office well before classes begin to ensure timely provision of services. Designated service animals are welcome on campus. Students who require the assistance of a service animal should inform the Student Office before classes begin.

Nondiscrimination, Title IX, And Uniform Complaint

The Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. RUSD prohibits discrimination, intimidation, harassment (including sexual harassment) or bullying in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity based on a person’s actual or perceived ancestry, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, immigration status, nationality, national origin, race or ethnicity, ethnic group identification, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, pregnancy, parental status, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics or any other basis prohibited by California state and federal nondiscrimination laws respectively. Not all basis of discrimination will apply to both education services and employment.

The Riverside Unified School District has the primary responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws and regulations, including those related to unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying against any protected group, and all programs and activities that are subject to the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP). 

Adult students should review the policies and procedures related to Nondiscrimination, Title IX, And Uniform Complaint linked below:


Records and release of information

Students are protected by Federal Privacy Act laws which state that no information will be given to anyone other than the registered student regarding enrollment, attendance, or progress. If a student wishes to release information, they must complete a “Release of Information” form that will be placed in their student file. Directory information is shared with Riverside Community College District. Student who would like to opt out of directory information being shared with the college should inform the student office.


Eating, drinking and smoking on campus

Eating or drinking in the buildings and classrooms at Riverside Adult School is not permitted, with the exception of approved events. Only water is allowed in the classrooms and must be in a container with a secured cap. Students should store any food/drink in a container such as a small lunch bag that can be securely closed to ensure that food/drink does not spill or damage the carpet or technology in the classrooms. Students should use the picnic areas for consumption of food and drinks and dispose of any trash in the containers provided outside.

Smoking or vaping is NOT permitted on campus, including parking lot areas in accordance with RUSD Board Policy #5131.62.

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